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Claudia Alarcón

(Wichi/Argentina, 1989)

Claudia Alarcón (Wichi/Argentina, 1989) is an artist and artisan of the Wichí people. She is one of the coordinators of the Silät group, which brings together indigenous weavers from Santa Victoria Este. In her work, she weaves images that are part of the collective memory of her people and the fruit of their imagination, mixing worlds and times. She has participated in exhibitions in Argentina, Germany, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, the United States, and Portugal. She received the First Prize in the Textile Discipline at the 110th National Visual Arts Salon at the Palais de Glace. Together with Silät, she is one of the artists at the 60th Venice Biennale. She lives in Salta, Argentina.

Claudia Alarcon

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