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Felipe Veeck

(Brazil, 1996)

Felipe Veeck (Brazil, 1996) is a visual artist and illustrator. In his works, he proposes imaginaries that dialogue with peripheral experiences in Greater Porto Alegre using elements of nostalgia, childhood, and everyday life. He incorporates visual references from old video games and illustrations from children's books through digital drawings. He has participated in exhibitions at Galeria Gazzebo, Casa de Cultura Mário Quintana, and Espaço Força e Luz. He lives in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Felipe Veeck

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Rua General Bento Martins, 24 - Conj. 1201

Centro  | CEP (Zip code) 90010-080 | Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil   |  +55 51 3254 7500

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