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Iberê Camargo

(Brazil, 1914-1994)

Iberê Camargo (Brazil, 1914-1994) was a painter, engraver, designer, and teacher. Known for his paintings of spools, cyclists, and amorphous figures, Iberê won numerous awards and participated in several international exhibitions, such as the São Paulo Biennial, the Biennial of Hispano-American Art, the Venice Biennial, among others. Today, the Iberê Camargo Foundation, located in Porto Alegre, preserves his legacy and exhibits his works, contributing to the continuity of his influence on Brazilian art. He lived part of his life between Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Ibere Camargo

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Rua General Bento Martins, 24 - Conj. 1201

Centro  | CEP (Zip code) 90010-080 | Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil   |  +55 51 3254 7500

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