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Marina Rheingantz

(Brazil, 1983)

Marina Rheingantz (Brazil, 1983) is a painter who reconfigures landscape painting in compositions that combine the formal ordering of patterns and fields of color with instinctive gestural marks, informed by an archive of meteorological events, memories, photographs, and places. Her paintings produce vast imaginary spaces, dissolving topography into minimal and allusive elements. She has exhibited in renowned galleries and museums in Brazil and internationally, including the Museu de Arte de São Paulo and the Museu de Arte do Rio. She was a finalist for the Pipa Prize. Her work is part of important collections, such as the Centre Pompidou, the Pinault Collection, the Instituto Inhotim, the Moderna Museet, the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, and the Taguchi Art Collection. She lives in São Paulo, Brazil.

Marina Rheingantz

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