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13th Mercosul Biennial launches Open Call for innovative artists

With the objective of offering an immersive experience in art and new technologies, the 13th Bienal do Mercosul launches, this Thursday, the 22nd, the Open Call for innovative artists.

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About the call

Twenty proposals will be selected to be part of the Transe exhibition, part of the 13th edition of the Mercosul Biennial, which takes place in September 2022. Entries can be made through the Mercosul Biennial website, at, until the day July 20th. The selection will be announced on September 22nd.

The project, curated by Marcello Dantas and adjunct curated by Laura Cattani and Munir Klamt, covers artists and collectives and other creative agents from anywhere in the world. According to Dantas, the selection will be made in three stages: blind analysis of the artistic proposal, portfolio analysis and interviews.

“We want to stimulate the production and diffusion of visual arts linked to new technologies, in addition to the reinvention of traditional techniques. The Transe exhibition seeks to stimulate the connection between contemporary art and new technologies, materials and resources. We are going to encourage creation and give the public access to new works by new artists, ”says Dantas.

The selected projects will be accompanied by the curator and the assistant curators and will occur in two moments: project development and execution of artistic proposals. In addition to the conceptual monitoring with mentoring, participants will also be offered technical support to the projects, through partner entities, which will make available to the artists laboratories, materials and equipment.

For the president of the 13th Mercosul Biennial, Carmen Ferrão, the Open Call and the Transe Exhibition, held in partnership with the Caldeira Institute, will give visibility to new artists, who may have their works exhibited at the Mercosul Biennial.

“We seek to make an inclusive and very disruptive show, bringing this fusion between art and technology. And there would be no more appropriate place than the Caldeira Institute to receive the Transe exhibition, ”says the president.

The full call notice for the Open Call, with all the necessary items for registration, deadlines and compensation, is available on the website of the 13th Mercosul Biennial. For questions and more information, contact us by email

Instituto Caldeira

O Instituto Caldeira is one of the main symbols of the movement for innovation and entrepreneurship in Rio Grande do Sul. Officially founded in 2019 by 40 large companies, it is located in the 4th District of Porto Alegre, in the facility where, in the 1920s, the old manufacturing industry of the AJ Renner group.

The goal is to house 60 operations by May 2021, between large corporations, startups and initiatives related to the new economy, connecting agents from the private sector, universities and public authorities.

The space of 22 thousand square meters, through which 1.3 thousand people should circulate in the coming years, is already a meeting point for anyone who is passionate about the idea of a more competitive and innovative Rio Grande do Sul.



More information Cristine Penna Communication 13th Mercosul Biennial 0 55 51 99701.4660


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